web design Orlando

Flexible ECommerce Web Design is the Key to Keeping it Scaled

Buying a t-shirt online is straightforward. The eCommerce platform has a few clear selections with a nice graphic of the t-shirt. But, not all products and small businesses are as clear in their inventory. What about the millions of companies selling software? How about those selling digital goods, wholesale items, free subscriptions with a paid premium, or trial runs? All of these require an eCommerce design that is fluid and flexible. None of these products would work with a simple format that includes a few pictures, a single price, and a click to check out. It isn’t sufficient enough. The design of an eCommerce site is the web portal for drawing more sales, and it has to be done right. There are a few expectations in design eCommerce should implement.

Wholesale and Direct Buyer From One Source

The eCommerce web design Orlando should be scalable, and that includes providing a single platform for multiple demographics. The clearest example of this is retail and wholesale. A buyer should have the ability to order in bulk and receive appropriate discounts. But, there must be a direct buyer option. It includes the ability for people to independently come to the website and order a single unit. Both of these demographics are essential to many small companies, but fitting them under one “umbrella” can be hard. Fortunately, excellent eCommerce design can make the website scalable for multiple users.


Not everything is a “click to buy” option. An eCommerce site may potentially accommodate new features, and that can be significant for a growing business. One example is a preorder. It takes the funds from the buyer without forcing a sale. The sale is received the same way, but the order is sent to a different directory. It can be a fantastic strategy for gauging consumer interest or establishing orders bedfore the product is ready. It is surprising to see how many buyers will preorder, especially with an extra incentive added in. Companies could use Orlando direct mail to keep customer's connected to the brand as the product is developing and/or shipping.

ECommerce websites should be genuinely flexible because it is impossible to predict the direction of the business. How easily can the online storefront be changed to accommodate a new path? If the answer is, “not very,” there are major holes in the design.